Fall is the time of harvest. The harvest marks the end of the growing season and the start of winter preparation. It is a time where we begin to turn introspective from the year and create new hopes and goals for the next season of growth. This Year Happy Death Day Presents: The Harvest Festival 2022.
As the fungi stretch their networks of rhizomes this autumn, it reminds us of the connections we made throughout our lives and strengthen as the weather turns cold. This is the essence of Happy Death Day. That Death, Decay, and Endings are but mediums for new life to make its way; Mediums for new beginnings. The harvest marks a gathering and storing of energy for those new beginnings.
This Festival is about the harvest, about the passing of time and her seasons. We invite you to Join us in the community, to harvest and to share that bounty. All creators are welcome to speak their truth of harvest.
Saturday, October 29
at Sankofa Community Orchard
309 Covington Road
1-3 PM - Volunteer Session with Sankofa Community Orchard
3 PM - Festival begins
4:30 PM - Signups open for Open Mic Session
5-7 PM - Open Mic Session
7 PM - Festival ends
Contributed by S Butler
An interactive piece where we are invited to leave behind a recipe that means something to us and explore the recipes that others bring to the metaphorical potluck table.
Writing utensils, cards, and recipe box are provided to interact with. I encourage you to come to the festival with a recipe in mind to transcribe!
For me, harvest is all about the inspiration and joy of cooking freshly picked vegetables and fruits and sharing dishes with others.
As a descendant of white settlers in the US, I am interested in reconnecting with the cultures of my ancestors as a way to resist buying into “whiteness”, a concept fabricated to uphold the violent culture of white supremacy.
My ancestors on one side include farmers, and come from various parts of the Appalachian region for generations. Before that, they were from places like Scotland, Ireland, England, and Germany. On the other side, more recently my ancestors settled in the US from Germany and Sicily.
I am bringing recipes from different aspects of my cultural background, and I encourage visitors to leave meaningful recipes of their own. I believe that the practice of agriculture, harvest, and cooking are deeply tied to our humanity and joy. I invite you into this space to celebrate and be inspired. Take some time to meditate while transcribing your recipe.
Live tarot readings with a community-based/anti-capitalist/regenerative perspective. They are open to discussions on pricing for readings.
Howdy!! I'm TGI (aka TJ Gallahan) and I make whimsical little handmade crafts- all designed by me and made in house. My goal is to create as ethically as possible with minimal waste to reflect the joyful themes in my work!
Brian Gordon is a visual artist who you can usually find in Scuffletown Park selling these beautiful works of art. Brian uses mixed processes including acrylic ink washes, photosensitive chemical washes, cyanide and cyanotype washes, along with some little doodles that give an otherworldly effect. A lot of his materials are gathered through trade.
Drink With Etts will be joining us showcasing natural juices! Some flavors include pink lemonade, passionfruit, ginger passion, sorrel, tamarind, soursop and sea moss. 🍹
She will also periodically be playing the steel drums during the festival! 🎶
Mia Chand will be joining us offering surprise books in your choice of genre! Book topics range from stunning fantasy worlds to exploring alternatives to capitalism. Each book is wrapped and has a description with some clues and hints to see if it would be a good match for you. The books are thrifted and range from lightly used to brand new!
House of Bhagat, a family collaborative, creates organic shared experiences capturing the culture of wellness through the YAMS (Y)oga (A)griculture& art (M)indfulness, (S)elf-Justice, to promote personal + collective healing.
At the Death Day Festival, they will showcase two brands from their collaborative:
🎨 Ohmydolling, creating handmade cloth black dolls, that invoke Afrodiasporic imagery of past, present and future.
🌱 SucculentSOUL, Botanical Workshop + Pop-Market using crafts and everyday greenery for healing and self-care to promote sustainable well-being and happiness.
We are excited to be having Compost RVA join us at the death day harvest festival. They will be sharing their wisdom and knowledge on compost and the various methods that exists. If you've been wondering how to start your very own compost at home This is going to be the right place to get information.
Less Trash More Thrash seeks to encourage people to take care of skateparks. They will be showcasing shirts and stickers. Will Duffek, the facilitator, offers free skate lessons to all ages for the first class, and subsequent classes are by the hour.